(You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch our livestreams or recorded videos!)
140th Anniversary Eucharistic Procession THIS SUNDAY
Please join your prayers with ours on Sunday, July 26 at 12 pm as we bring the Real Presence of Jesus Christ to downtown Charlottesville for the conversion of hearts and protection from the pandemic.
Be sure to dress nicely but also appropriately for the weather (it is likely to be quite warm) and bring a face covering to wear as we march through our neighborhood and the Mall.
If you’d like to join us for this especially solemn procession on the weekend of our 140th anniversary, kindly sign up so we have a basic sense of numbers. There is no limit on this procession; the slots listed are, again, just for our own edification.
You’re also welcome to just show up even without signing up. God bless and see you there!
“Phase 3” Schedule
We are now in “Phase 3” of re-opening both across the Commonwealth and in the Diocese of Richmond.
- “Vulnerable population” Masses are on Monday at 12 pm and the 5 pm Saturday Vigil Mass.
- All attendees ages 10 and up are required to wear a facecovering at Mass. Also, children between the ages of six and nine who will receive Holy Communion must also wear a facecovering when they go up.
- Offertory is collected in the usual way.
- Thursday evening Holy Hours have resumed.
- Small groups are permitted to meet in person at the parish with Father Joseph Mary’s permission.
- Our summer seminarian, Andrew Clark, will be giving a series of talks! The second will be on Sunday, July 26 at 6 pm. Seating will be limited to some degree and we will appropriately space all attendees per social distancing best practices. Please join us!
First Holy Communions!
Please include the following children in your prayers as they received His Real Presence for the first time in late May:
Frem Afram
Michael Afram
Emmanuella Ablewa Agbati
Mason Howell Baxter
Miriam Jablonski
Mathew William Phillips
Kynzlee Gabrielle Reyes
Zachary Robert Storm
Brooklyn Taft Weaver
Theresa Ann Van Dyke
Thank you to all the parents who, on top being thrust into the world of homeschooling while working or caring for little ones, did such an excellent job catechizing their children and preparing them for their First Communions. You are all our my prayers and we are blessed to have you in our parish! Thank you, also, to Father Joseph Mary for organizing and leading Zoom meetings with the kids and to our DRE, Melinda Wells, for all of her support.
Thank you for your financial support!
We are so moved by the amount of engagement on Facebook in during this pandemic and all the parishioners who continue to support the parish through the offertory both in person and online. In these days it is more important than ever to reach out to one another, lift one another up and for those who can, to financially assist your brothers and sisters who are now in hard times both directly and through charities (including your parish!) who are feeding and caring for the poor.
And of course, if there is anything we at the parish can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact the office or message the Facebook page. God bless and have a wonderful Holy Week. Check Facebook and Flocknote often as we move through this new normal.
Pray for the end of the pandemic
Father Joseph Mary urges parishioners to pray the Rosary to ask for the Blessed Mother’s intercession and urge the Lord to act to “end this scourge.”
The Faithful are reminded that when we knock, the door is opened. When we persist in prayer, our Loving Father acts in the world. Our God acts when we repent of our sins, do penance and pray fervently. We must be practical of course, but as people of faith our first recourse ought to be prayer. To ask the Lord for His help in times of distress.
Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to watch over us and those who are afflicted with this and every illness. And during this “most acceptable time” of Lent, let us redouble our prayer and petition to God to ask Him to rescue us as He has delivered His Church so many times before!
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Holy Trinity Conference
A new chapter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has begun right here in Charlottesville! This ministry, which began in 1851 here in the United States, is aimed at helping the poor both materially and spiritually. Volunteers go out into the community two by two to help people with rent, electric bills and other necessities… and also to pray with them and bring the Gospel to their homes.
The Holy Trinity Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a joint effort between the three parishes here in Charlottesville: St. Thomas Aquinas, Incarnation and Holy Comforter.
Visit their website HERE.
Contact Chuck McCurdy at [email protected] for more information.