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Check out Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever — for FREE emails and inspiration to make this the most fruitful Lent of your life!
Father Robert Barron on Intentional Discipleship
A Prayer for Evangelization
we give You thanks for the gift of Your Son, Jesus.
We thank You for the unity we find in Him.
We ask You to send Your Holy Spirit upon us
…that we might boldly proclaim Your love
…that we might courageously speak Your truth
…that we might humbly live as Jesus did,
ever faithful to You, ever joyful in Your service,
ever hopeful that Your Kingdom will burst forth in this moment.
Send us valiantly forth with the Good News that in this place, in this parish, Jesus is alive, welcoming the lost and leading us all to lives of merciful compassion!
We ask this through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit as one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Catholics: Engaged in Spiritual Study
Neighborhood Gatherings
Readings & Book List
Sacrament of Reconciliation Refresher Course
Spiritual Direction
Catholic Online Book Club
This is an ongoing online book club with a knowledgeable leader who selects “Catholic Classics” to read and discuss. This is a great way to enjoy wonderful spiritual literature as a component of the life of an “engaged Catholic”. Please let us know if you participate so that we can measure the impact of our NE Program. Thanks!Diocese of Richmond 5-Year Plan for the New Evangelization
5-Year Plan Overview
Encounter the Joy of the Gospel: Set the World Ablaze
Encounter the Joy of the Gospel Summary
Scripture Study: Thursday Evening Sunday Scripture Study. This group is currently not meeting. If someone would like to restart this program please contact one of the New Evangelization contacts!