Pentecost 2017
“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.”
Have you ever received the Holy Spirit? We are invited to show the fruits of the Spirit we have received. Celebrating Pentecost, the highest peak of the Paschal mystery, we are meant to be set aflame in the life of the Spirit. What we received has to be put to use. Today in the First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke gives us, in a detailed account, the new Pentecost story in symbolic language.
The disciples were gathered in fear, suddenly, there was a sound “like the rush of a violent wind.” The whole house was filled with the very Spirit of God. Then “divided tongues, as of fire” were seen resting on each person present, as if to say that each one present is being given the gift and power to speak in the name of God. Pilgrims from all over were amazed to hear the disciples speaking to them in their own languages. The Spirit was already at work in bringing different people into a one people of God.
These physical manifestations of the coming of the Holy Spirit were made present for the recipients to concretely understand that something amazing was happening. By seeing and hearing these physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit they were more properly disposed to understand that God was doing something awesome. And then, upon seeing and hearing these manifestations, they were touched by the Holy Spirit. They were consumed, filled and set on fire to carry on words and deeds of Jesus. Pentecost changed their lives! With the giving of the Spirit comes also the authority to the Apostles to speak and act in the name of Jesus: “If you forgive sins, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
If you are sure you received the Holy Spirit, where are you keeping Him? In your closet somewhere? We need to see and hear the effects of that Holy Spirit you believe you have received. St. Paul has said: “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given to benefit others.” Who is benefiting from the power of the Spirit in you?
The Apostles by their testimony, and by our receiving the same Spirit the world, and people around us need to hear and see that transforming faith we live. People would like to discover that the Holy Spirit is real and something is happening in our lives that affect their lives in a positive way. God wants to set our hearts on fire with His love, strength and grace so we can effectively live lives that effect change in the world. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. We are talented and gifted as individuals to enrich the Church and one another so that our community may not be lacking in anything. We are like a body. Each member part has its own particular function, yet we are all are ordered to one purpose to provide joy and harmony in witnessing to the love of Christ.
What is the greatest need of the church today? Is it material things? NO! The greatest need for the church today is to have a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of the living God so that we may bear witness to Jesus Christ in the midst of this chaotic world. We need the strength and the gifts of the mighty Holy Spirit so that we can be competent, fearless, confident, and articulate in proclaiming the Gospel to the world in action in spirit of martyrdom. We pray today: “COME HOLY SPIRIT COME! FILL THE HEARTS OF THY FAITHFUL…”
Today is the day to be drunk not with wine but with the Holy Spirit. Filled with that Spirit, may each individually here feel bound to make contribution to the community to which we belong. And, as a community, may we give clear and unmistakable witness to the Truth and Love of God, revealed to us in Jesus our Lord.
So welcome the Holy Spirit in your life. Close your eyes and connect to the power supply of the Holy Spirit. Allow him to do what you have failed to achieve for the last number of years. Let the holy Spirt break through the walls of your heart to give you the peace and joy. Mary was filled with joy because of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her and the baby Jesus. She was filled with the Holy Spirit when she sang the Magnificat. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out with joy and so did John the Baptist who leaped for joy.
Get rid of all anger to allow the Spirit to give you forgiveness, forgive and you will be forgiven and shout with joy because you are now free because of the power of the Holy Spirit. Let go of any resentment and anger against any person who has humiliated you so that you make have the joy and peace of mind and heart. Remember: Joy and depression cannot reside in the same space! Allow the Holy Spirit to bend your stubborn heart and will that you may be obedient to God, and He will supply you with what is needed. Renew that power in you every day by prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit. Be patient and wait as the Apostles and your dreams will come true and your vision will be realized. Open yourself now and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.