Chesterton Academy, a classical high school joyfully rooted in the Catholic faith, seeks an experienced, energetic, personable, and self-motivated receptionist and administrative assistant to be an integral part of our school’s team. Please see or send an email to [email protected].
Volunteer Catechists Needed!
Volunteer Catechists are needed for grades K-1, 3-4, and Middle School. Please contact Melinda Wells, DRE, at [email protected] for more information.
August is National Make-A-Will Month
Holy Comforter is observing National Make-A-Will Month by sharing a free will-writing tool to help steward your family, finances, and faith! Estate planning is an act of faithfulness that empowers you to thoughtfully honor the blessings you’ve received from God. It can even be used to support our parish and our ministries with an optional legacy gift. Visit to make a […]
2024-2025 Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation Registration has begun!
Christian Formation and Sacramental Preparation registration forms are on the RE Table in the Commons area. Please pick up a registration form and send or give it to Melinda Wells, DRE ([email protected]). Please note: if you are homeschooling your child for First Sacraments, there is a registration form for you as well.
Mass Schedule Changes (August 5th – September 7th)
The following Mass schedule is in effect while Father Joseph Mary is away in Uganda. We will resume the regular schedule in September!