Wednesday, May 10 is Father’s 42nd anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
- Mass is at the usual 7am time.
- Parish Life will be hosting a potluck breakfast following the 7am Mass and Rosary. We welcome all parishioners to come celebrate! Please bring a breakfast item to share.
- We encourage parishioners to bring (or send) cards. Father especially values spiritual bouquets.
- If you can’t make it, please pray for Father and thank him for his ministry when you get the chance!
- In fact, Fr. Joseph Mary invites you to join him in praying a novena to St. John Vianney from May 1-9, as he prepares to celebrate his anniversary. Copies are available in the Commons or linked here. Or you can start now and continue to pray for him after the anniversary. He needs prayers all the time for the burden he carries!