What is a pilgrimage? Please open the following link for good information on this wonderful Catholic tradition:
Catholic Pilgrimages and Spiritual Journeys: http://www.206tours.com/what/
The Way
Interested in learning more from the comfort of your home? Consider watching the movie “The Way” starring Martin Sheen. Many have experienced exceptional blessings and grace through a pilgrimage. This movie documents one man’s spiritual growth through a pilgrimage brought on by a personal tragedy:
John Clem shares his blog with movie clip and links about The Way: http://www.calltoholiness.us/2011/10/22/the-way/
Official Movie website: http://www.theway-themovie.com/
Pilgrimage Opportunities
Upcoming pilgrimage opportunities TBA…
Carol & I have made several pilgrimages and would be happy to talk about our experiences with anyone interested. Contact Steve Ham at steven_ham@comcast.net or 434.295.7820 (home).