Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word.”
— Catechism of the Catholic Church, pg. 312
Because Baptism is the “door which gives access to the other sacraments” it is the foundation of the Christian experience in this human life. Through this Sacrament we are spiritually adopted as members of God’s family when we are baptized in the name of each member of the Trinity.
Baptism at Holy Comforter Catholic Church
Congratulations to you as you and your family prepare to celebrate this first Rite of Initiation! We are delighted that you are considering celebrating the blessed Sacrament of Baptism at Holy Comforter.
To begin the process, those who wish to baptize their infants or young children at Holy Comforter must contact the Director of Religious Education (DRE), Melinda Wells. The DRE will provide you with the forms required for the Parish Register and will also schedule a Baptism preparation class if necessary. Once the required forms have been completed and returned to the DRE, she will schedule an appointment for the couple to meet with Father Joseph Mary, where the date will be confirmed with Father for the Rite of Baptism.
Adults who wish to be baptized should also inquire with the DRE, and read about our RCIA program for more information about Christian formation.
Step-by-Step Summary:
- Contact Melinda Wells, Director of Religious Education (DRE), and she will provide you with two required forms to complete prior to your meeting with the pastor and setting the Baptism date. Once completed, these forms provide the information for recording the Baptism in the the Parish Registry, which lays the foundation for certification letters and documentation that you or your child will be required to provide for every additional Sacrament celebrated within the Catholic Church.
- One of these forms confirms eligibility of the Catholic godparent(s), and must be signed and sealed by the pastor of the Catholic godparent candidate(s). A summary of Catholic godparent eligibility requirements can be found here.
- Following this meeting, the DRE will schedule you for a Baptism preparation class or verify whether your prior completion is still valid. This prep class must be completed prior to the Baptism, but does not necessarily have to be completed prior to meeting with the pastor.
- Complete and return the required forms to the DRE and she will then arrange a meeting with the pastor. You will not be able to meet with the pastor or set the Baptism date prior to submitting these completed forms.
- Meet with Father Joseph Mary and schedule the Baptism date. Baptisms can be celebrated on any day of the week, pending the church schedule and availability of the pastor. He will work with you to schedule the date; other staff are not authorized to schedule Baptisms or the meeting with Father.
- Celebrate the Baptism and welcome your loved one into Christ’s Church!